Strescon Industries Limited is a Limited Company which is incorporated as late as 1978. The company is a private company, which is serving the Indian Railway for past 25 years in the railway circuit. Strescon Industries Limited, is an ISO 9001:2008 Company which has pioneering presence in the field of manufacturing of Pre Stressed Concrete Sleepers and it's after sales services. Mr. Sabayasachi Munshi, a committed, dedicated, honest and trustworthy business man and a visionary, had setup Strescon Industries limited's (SIL's) first plant in Chamagram, Malda district in 1990, which has two units where the company manufactures both the straight line and turnout sleepers. From then on, under his visions and leadership the company has reached an unimaginable status, which has helped the company to reach to greater heights in India and aboard.